Fingerprint Access Control System

Published in: Standard Access Control
Fingerprint Access Control System - 4.7 out of 5 based on 15 votes

Bi AcsFingerprint Access Control System

XTEC has a wide range of Fingerprint Access Control Systems and solutions to protect your people, premises and environment, giving you full control over your facilities. EnsuAttriring your building is secure and tracking who enters, when, and where they go and other facility as required starting from 1-Door to 254-Door in a single system using IP-Based controller. 

Research Labs Monitoring

Research Labs Monitoring - 5.0 out of 5 based on 75 votes

RlmProtect biological tissue samples and other hazardous or perishable research samples with the environmental solutions offered by XTEC. The importance of maintaining blood and tissue samples under ideal conditions is critical for quality research, as a lack of proper temperature and humidity maintenance can ruin samples and render all the associated research unusable. Proper experimentation is predicated on keeping control conditions stable, and our solutions can help researchers accomplish this. Our solutions ensure that incubators, laboratory chambers and cold room sample storage facilities are maintained at the proper environmental conditions. Researchers can enjoy peace mind knowing research facilities and experimental conditions are monitored by early detection solutions 24/7.

Telecom Monitoring

Telecom Monitoring - 5.0 out of 5 based on 76 votes

TmProtect critical telecommunications equipment with the devices XTEC offers for proactive monitoring of climate and power conditions. These are ideal for keeping an eye on base transceiver stations, cell sites and communication and technical rooms to ensure your equipment is working under the right operating conditions. In addition to monitoring climate and power conditions and dry contacts and relays, our environmental monitors are widely used to monitor incoming AC voltage, -48VDC bus voltage and battery power to protect your BTS facilities from climate, power and security issues that may affect the service of communication equipment.

Healthcare Monitoring

Healthcare Monitoring - 4.9 out of 5 based on 76 votes

HcmFor maintaining and monitoring conditions at expensive medical equipments to protect as per manufacturing standards, storage facilities for vaccines, tissue banks, blood samples and other biological samples, turn to the solutions offered by XTEC. The rise of electronic health records and health information exchanges puts greater pressure on healthcare providers to keep updated logs on their storage conditions, and our solutions make this process easier by automating logs pertaining to environmental monitoring.

Data Center Monitoring

Data Center Monitoring - 5.0 out of 5 based on 72 votes

DcmEnvironmental factors like heat, humidity, airflow, smoke, and electricity can be equally devastating to IT equipment, and thus to a company’s operation. Keep an eye on network closets, server rooms, and enterprise level data centers with fully scalable environmental monitoring solutions XTEC has to offer. Configure alert notifications to receive Email, SMS, SNMP or voice call alarms to notify you when something goes wrong.

Cold Storage Monitoring

Cold Storage Monitoring - 5.0 out of 5 based on 88 votes

CsgTo ensure that consumable food items are always maintained at the proper temperatures and environmental conditions with the early detection and monitoring devices offered by XTEC. Our technology is ideal for guaranteeing that cold storage facilities such as restaurant freezers, walk-in refrigerators and food warmers are always maintained at ideal conditions. In the event of a change, whether a freezer door was left open or a power outage occurred, early detection programs make sure the right parties know about the shift immediately in order to take action and prevent having to throw out inventory.

Archive Room Monitoring System

Archive Room Monitoring System - 5.0 out of 5 based on 137 votes

ArmArchives Room’s temperature and humidity should be 12-18°C / 50-60% RH so important documents and drawing archives can be stored safely and durably. XTEC System monitors the data momentarily and saves the data via Data Logger. It creates trend graphs or tables and alerts via SMS, E-Mail, SNMP Trap and Siren. You can remotely determine the situations and direct the right staff instantly. It also allows you to view historical data via trend graphs. With water leak sensors you can be aware of floods without damaging your archives. In addition, you can use impact sensors to protect your important archives.

Benefits of Asset Tracking System

Published in: Asset Tracking System
Benefits of Asset Tracking System - 5.0 out of 5 based on 56 votes

Asset Tracking System Benefits

Ats BenAsset Tracking System is to improves tracking and manage these assets. It allows for real-time tracking of equipment with the use of tags and labels.

Inventory efficiency
-Save time and reduce errors with real-time inventory visibility., - Optimize order picking efficiency and inventory placement., -Track assets such as Returnable Containers.

Boost revenue and output
-Track and deploy resources in real-time to increase output and revenue. , -Instantly locate mission-critical equipment and tools when they are needed.

Drastically reduce loss
-Never misplace equipment or inventory. , -Eliminate theft with scheduled motion alarm detection. ,-Easily add Perimeter Security., -Detect the presence of Inventory and Returnable Containers at Third-Party Manufacturers

Asset Tracking & Location Solution

Published in: Asset Tracking System
Asset Tracking & Location Solution - 5.0 out of 5 based on 64 votes

Asset Tracking System location

Asset Tracking System is to improves tracking and manage these assets. It allows for real-time tracking of equipment with the use of tags and labels.

At LocTracks Efficiently : The state-of-the-art Asset Tracking System gives a real-time view of equipment in the office, warehouse, hospital, using a graphical user interface that pinpoints the locations on multiple floor plans. "Floor Discrimination" mechanism accurately tracks tagged equipment as they are moved from one floor to another so that the location is always shown on the correct floor. Your staff can locate individual equipment instantly with the system's RTLS capabilities, at an average accuracy of between 8-15 feet if desired.

Secures the Perimeter Effectively : The Perimeter Security component of the Asset Tracking & Location system can also alert staff and automatically secure doors to prevent unauthorized equipment from leaving the building or an individual department.

Monitors Temperatures : The system also supports remote monitoring of the environmental temperature where critical products such as drugs are kept and sounds an alert if the temperature falls outside the limits set up for that particular item or location. Users can perform real-time Temperature Monitoring using XTEC’s temperature sensing tags, as well as by employing hardwired temperature sensors within the GuardRFID infrastructure.

Asset Profiling and Management :  XGuard provides user defined asset profile fields with reminders for preventative maintenance scheduling, lease expiry, or other date driven events.

Asset Tracking Technologies

Published in: Asset Tracking System
Asset Tracking Technologies - 5.0 out of 5 based on 196 votes

Asset Tracking System Technology

Asset Tracking System is to improves tracking and manage these assets. It allows for real-time tracking of equipment with the use of tags and labels.

As TecTrack where the fixed assets are, who has these assets, and when  assets are due back. Checking out assets allows to assign responsibility to an employee, a customer, or even a vendor. Checking in assets releases end user responsibility and allows the assets to be reallocated throughout your organization.

RTLS and Portal Detection (Duel)—deliver a robust and reliable solution that enables accurate location, to the room level if desired, while also protecting your precious equipment from unauthorized removal from your premises, or even from individual departments.

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