RTL Safety and Security
We delivers the most advanced Personnel Safety and Security system using the world’s most robust active RFID communication protocols and location algorithms. The system provides accurate real time location and tracking and equips users with its Duress Tag to send notifications of a threat or emergency situation. These tags have 2-way communications capability so as to receive acknowledgements and customized alerts, enhancing the safety and security of field personnel.
Security within schools could potentially be achieved by securing the perimeter of the school building using active RTL (Real Time Locator) RFID. Student data enrolls & identification any suitable identification tag and classified with class level is possible. Indentify when student enter to the school and leaving the school, Identify guardian, when they come for pick up a student and cross match, and alarm if not match, In case of emergency, head count if all vacant, also check in assembly place.
Staff Duress & Safety system enables you to monitor staff movements for their own safety and communicate with them on demand. The system has been designed to give you and your staff assurance that they can communicate and call for help at the time of crisis, and eliminate critical delays caused by ambiguous location information when that help is needed by locate and track a moving employee with the typical accuracy averaging 8-15 feet.
Whether you have a small, medium or large facility, Asset Tracking System is designed to be a scalable and powerful tool that will help your healthcare staff locate equipment easily and rapidly, while also providing security against their loss. Two accurate location technologies— RTLS and Portal Detection—deliver a robust and reliable solution that enables accurate location, to the room level if desired, while also protecting your precious equipment from unauthorized removal from your premises, or even from individual departments.