Parking Guidance System
Parking Guidance System are designed to simplify the vehicles movement in parking areas, by offering driver's with live parking availability information's and display spaces signage to easy parking and lost more.
Parking Guidance System
Parking Guidance System (PGS) direct and guide you to the most convenient available parking space in the parking facility. PGS to ensure the highest possible occupancy, optimal space utilization and provide a stress-free pleasurable environment for parking customers also reduce valuable time and fuel. The occupancy of each parking space is constantly monitored via ultrasonic (Indoor) or magnetic sensors(Outdoor). This information is collected with the help of data Controller and send it to server trough standard cable bus or IP Network, where the PGS software accurately directs drivers to areas of vacant parking spaces. Moreover, it provides occupancy level analysis over the specified periods of time, allowing parking managers to make intelligent and timely decisions that improve operational excellence of parking lot.