Detection Systems
Detection system technology to ensure the safety, an extensive range of Security Screening Products(SSP) is available for the detection of Metal, Weapons, Narcotics and Explosives, Control and Command Systems allow personnel to monitor and control every aspect of security within premises.
The Ferromagnetic Metal Detecto is a vertical gradient fluxgate magnetometer that measures the deformation of the earth's magnetic field evoked by ferromagnetic objects. Magnetometers are suitable for the detection of ferromagnetic metals like iron, steel, nickel, sepcially, Specially ferrous material (UXO) e.g. bombs, land mine, shells, projectiles, sub-ammunitions and similer.
Designed to assist security personnel to detect and identify Narcotics substances and devices allowing them to be isolated and safely removed or dealt with on site. These detectors are frequently used in airports, border post as well highly security areas.
Flexible and easy to operate portable hand held Narcotics detector, capable of both vapors and particulate sampling, which does not use a radioactive source or any consumables. Vapors’ are sampled directly by vacuum into the sampling nozzle.
Designed to assist security personnel to detect and identify explosive substances and devices allowing them to be isolated and safely removed or dealt with on site. These detectors are frequently used in airports, border post as well highly security areas.
Reliable, Efficient Human Presence Detection for a Variety of Security Inspection,
Its one-of-a-kind security inspection system that detects human beings hiding in vehicles or containers loaded on vehicles by sensing the vibrations caused by the human heartbeat.