Solar Parking Barrier
Solar Gate Barrier
Power entry or exit gate barrier system with solar power and save electricity costs along with any remote location where power not available. The technology is based on a low power consumption drive system that allows the integration of batteries and solar power system where batteries that are re-charged by a solar panel. Our vehicle barrier gates provide all the features and durability necessary to withstand the harsh vehicle access environment while allowing the installer functional flexibility and simplified setup.
Solar Parking Barrier
High-Tech solar hi-speed industrial grade traffic barrier gives you the ultimate in traffic control parking barrier can open / Close from 0.6 to 1.2 seconds. Designed for tough, high-volume traffic control, it will work all day, it will work all night - lasting millions of cycles, Add full battery backup, and always at the service even if there is now power.
Main features includes on barriers are ,Rapid opening, Battery backup, High-torque boom pole operation, Safe sensitivity for boom pole lowering, Robust, durable and slim line operator casing, Comprehensive input and output, Operate wirelessly. Optional Solar power option for 750(min) operation in a single charge.