Hearing Loop System

Hearing Loop System

Hearing Loop System

A hearing loop system, sometimes called an audio induction loop is a special type of sound system for use by people with hearing aids. The hearing loop provides a magnetic, wireless signal that is picked up by the hearing aid by loop amplifier in certain areas.

Hearing Loop System

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Hearing Loop System

Our best-selling PDA range of hearing loop equipment includes the UK's widest range of induction loop amplifiers, microphones, connector plates and test equipment. Designed to allow hearing aid users to participate more fully in general conversation and other activities, the range includes a variety of cost-effective kits for use in ticket offices, churches, meeting rooms, lecture theatres, GP surgeries and more…


Hearing Loop Systems  - On the Move
Excellent for restricted person-to-person contact in banks, post offices, small meeting rooms and ticket booths, our popular 1.5m2 portable loop amplifier can be easily moved from location to location. The amplifier includes an automatic shut-off facility to help preserve battery life.


Professional Hearing Loop System
A must for theatres, cinemas, churches, conference halls and any other prestigious project where top quality sound is essential, our high-tech PDA-PRO amplifiers can cover areas from 200m2 up to 1000m2. With advanced audio signal processing, two XLR inputs, an outreach input, adjustable level controls, a metal compensation control and much more, they are among the most powerful AFILS amplifiers on the market today.

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