IP Toilet Alarm System

Published in: Toilet Alarm Monitoring
IP Toilet Alarm System - 5.0 out of 5 based on 81 votes

IP Toilet Alarm System

IP Disabled Toilet Alarm includes everything required for ADA or BS8300 disabled act to compliant emergency assistance alarm. XTEC IP DTA system available plastic and Stainless steel version. This IP DTA design to install for 1-toilets to 250 toilets in a single network/server having options for (i) Real-time monitoring (ii) Alarm Accept (iii) Alarm MAP (iv) SMS (v) alarm pop-up (vi) Full Alarm report (xls) (vii) alarm statistic and many more. Attractively designed and easy to install and almost plug-play system as connect DTA devices, plug-in into Network and start monitoring in Alarm Monitoring software.

Multizone Toilet Alarm System

Published in: Toilet Alarm Monitoring
Multizone Toilet Alarm System - 5.0 out of 5 based on 82 votes

Multizone Disabled Toilet Alarm System

Multizone Disabled Toilet Alarm is designed on latest technilogy to meet Multiple Alarm Monitoring with height standard and various other care standards. It can be single system for single toilets or site-wide systems with multiple monitoring stations, central control stations, BMS interfaces etc. Individual alarms can be grouped and monitored locally and/or from a central monitoring stations. All systems are battery backed for peace of mind during power outages.

Disabled toilet alarm kits

Published in: Toilet Alarm Monitoring
Disabled toilet alarm kits - 5.0 out of 5 based on 85 votes

Disabled Toilet Alarm kits

Disabled toilet alarm kits, Conventional Accessible Toilet Alarm Kit to BS8300. Disabled toilet alarm includes everything required for ADA/BS8300 clause compliant emergency assistance alarm. Attractively designed and easy to install the NC951 allows a distressed person to raise an alarm in the event of an emergency.

To operate the user pulls the cord of a ceiling pull cord to activate a light and sounder outside the WC and on the system’s call controller. A new “Call Accept” facility allows staff to send an intermittent call acknowledgement signal to the WC to confirm help is on the way.

The NC951 can be wired in to 4 core stranded security cable but can also be used as a single zone emergency assistance alarm in areas such as changing rooms, solariums, interview rooms, reception areas and more.

Centralized Toilet Alarm System

Published in: Toilet Alarm Monitoring
Centralized Toilet Alarm System - 5.0 out of 5 based on 84 votes

Central Disabled Toilet Alarm System

Central Disabled Toilet Alarm is designed on latest technilogy to meet Multiple Alarm Monitoring with height standard and various other care standards. It can be single system for single toilets or site-wide systems with multiple monitoring stations, central control stations, BMS interfaces etc. Individual alarms can be grouped and monitored locally and/or from a central monitoring stations. All systems are battery backed for peace of mind during power outages.

Addressable Toilet Alarm System

Published in: Toilet Alarm Monitoring
Addressable Toilet Alarm System - 5.0 out of 5 based on 87 votes

Addressble Disabled Toilet Alarm System

 Addressble Disabled Toilet Alarm System is designed on latest technilogy to meet Multiple Alarm Monitoring with height standard and various other care standards. It can be single system for single toilets or site-wide systems with multiple monitoring stations, central control stations, BMS interfaces etc. Individual alarms can be grouped and monitored locally and/or from a central monitoring stations. All systems are battery backed for peace of mind during power outages.

Camera Based Parking Guidance System

Published in: Parking Guidance System
Camera Based Parking Guidance System - 5.0 out of 5 based on 23 votes

Camera Based Parking Guidance System

Camera Based Parking Guidance System are rapidly moving from indoor to outdoor parking areas. Outdoor Parking Guidance System is equipped with the right outdoor video image processing ability through Any outdoor cameras and provides the perfect guidance for outdoor parking lots.

This is very simple AI algorithm integrated into a new system or an existing system through current camera system (if already exists), and our PGS software will start collecting, transmitting, and storing all the necessary information about the parking lot in real-time.

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Lighting Control System

Lighting Control System - 5.0 out of 5 based on 73 votes

Lighting Control System

XTEC Scalable industrial network-based lighting control systems for Building, Commercial, Industrial, or government building automation, security, and energy conservation. Lighting control systems are more important than ever. Not only does light control help conserve energy, but how indoor environments affect our behavior and enhance everything from productivity to learning. Drop-In Lighting Solution.

Advanced lighting control systems are often integrated with a larger building automation system and are typically installed in new construction.Lighting Schedules: Controlling lights based on a schedule. Manual Light Control: a switch or a button from a control panel is used to control lights in everything from sports complexes to churches

Boiler Monitoring System

Boiler Monitoring System - 5.0 out of 5 based on 72 votes

Boiler Monitoring System

XTEC Boiler Monitoring System provides a robust solution for industrial/commercial boilers. System can connect pressure, temperature, and water leak sensors directly to our controller devices and use the sensors' data to easily configure custom logic for alerts and notifications.

Boiler Pressure Monitoring: Monitor boiler pressure with a compatible pressure sensor installed in a boiler for pressure spikes or drops. Boiler Temperature Monitoring: Connect a digital temperature sensor via 1-Wire Bus to monitor boiler supply and return line temperature. Monitor and graph temperature data over time. Water Leak Detection: Place a water sensor near to the boiler and attach it to a digital input on a module to detect water leaks. Custom Email/Text Alerts: Set email alerts based on custom high/low thresholds for temperature, pressure, and water leak sensors.

Water Tower Monitoring

Water Tower Monitoring - 5.0 out of 5 based on 74 votes

Water Tower Monitoring

Water Tower Monitoring System uses in above ground water supply tanks that are vulnerable to a number of environmental threats. One of them is cold weather. While it's technically possible to put water supply tanks underground to keep it safer, doing so is incredibly expensive and requires massive civil engineering projects, many more pumps, and a lot more energy consumption.

To preventing water infrastructure from succumbing to the cold, and there are countless other industrial use cases for water temperature control; from food processing to data centers. Whether it's meant for consumption or for processing, water management is incredibly important.

Fuel Tank Monitoring System

Fuel Tank Monitoring System - 5.0 out of 5 based on 80 votes

Fuel Tank Monitoring System

 Fuel Tank Monitoring System is suitable for fuel level measurement and hazardous locations. Float sensor works great with all kinds of petrochemicals, including gasoline, diesel, and biofuels and many more. Manual measurements of petrochemicals like oil and fuel come with inherent risks. Tanks are tall structures and the risk of falling is very real. Monitoring fuel tanks is critical for a wide range of industries from Agriculture to Telecommunications.

Our integrated sensor with analog or Modbus inputs work best for level monitoring. We have developed our controller specifically for level monitoring applications. The main controller with the sensors via Modbus RS-485 which allows up to 32 sensors to be daisy-chained together and connected to the controller for the easiest installation possible for multiple tanks. Our Float Sensor is approved for use in hazardous locations with CSA, IECEx, and ATEX certifications.

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