CCTV Digital Technology

(1 vote, average 5.00 out of 5)
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Written by  Published in: CCTV Solution
CCTV Digital Technology - 5.0 out of 5 based on 2 votes

We are able to provide cost effective Digital Technology Systems from single camera units to multi-site systems linked to organizations own computer networks and websites, controlling any amount of cameras around the globe with a simple click of a button, with all the quality and reassurance of Digital Technology.
From Fixed Cameras to Pan & Tilt & Dome Cameras with powerful zoom lenses capable of picking out a number plate at distances greater than a mile away, we have the technology, resources and in-house skills to meet your requirements.

•    Digital Technology
•    Multi Site Networked Systems
•    ANPR Automatic Number Plate Reading    
•    Turnkey Projects
•    From Concept to Completion

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