IP ConnectionTerminal

Published in: IP Nurse Call System
IP ConnectionTerminal - 5.0 out of 5 based on 80 votes

The connection of the master terminal to via LAN (Ethernet). It is fitted in the wiring box and in the wiring frame IFS. In the case of the use of strip terminals, the wires run directly to IP Terminal Box.

Technical Specification
Material: thermoplastic
Colour: white, light blue
Dimensions: 82 x 82 x 23 mm
Weight: 125 g

Master Nurse Terminal IP

Published in: IP Nurse Call System
Master Nurse Terminal IP - 5.0 out of 5 based on 94 votes

The master terminal centralizes the operation of the communication equipment in a room with permanent service, which in most cases is the nurse office. The terminal offers a highly comfortable and clearly arranged graphic user environment linked with simple operation and control of functional buttons directly on the operating graphic touch-screen display.

Main functions

The master terminal centralizes the operation of the communication
Possibility to use unlimited master terminals in the ward
Ward coupling up to 10 wards with availability of all functions of the system
Visualization of unlimited number of calls
Speed dial availability
Discrete speech of nurse with patient and vice versa
Central announcements in the ward
Patient information available on the master terminal screen
Visualization of nurse/personnel presence in the rooms on the master terminal screen
History of calls available on the master terminal
Night mode
LAN communication using latest VoIP technologies with master station Intuitive touch
Possibility to mount it on the wall or place anywhere at the table
RJ-45 interface for connection to Ethernet network
USB port for data backup and software upgrade


Material: Thermoplastic, stainless. steel
Color: White
Dimensions: 338 x 210-235 x 195mm
Weight: 4475 g
Power supply: Adapter 230V/12V/2A

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IP Nurse Call System

Published in: IP Nurse Call System
IP Nurse Call System - 5.0 out of 5 based on 194 votes

IP Nurse Call System brings together care, information, service, organization, and real-time monitoring in hospitals, using a common functional platform. IP-based network technology forms the economical, secure, and extendible structure for all functions and services in the care sector. The distributed architecture ensures the highest degree of flexibility without any limitation. All of the connection options that can be used for a data network at room level if desired.

Master Clock System Controller

Published in: Master Clock System
Master Clock System Controller - 5.0 out of 5 based on 235 votes

Master Clock System Controller

Master Clock System Controller have always been packed with different features with different model. The SMA Series master clocks come with a plethora of standard features such as an (S)NTP input, interfacing with other systems and Daylight Saving Time. Also included is a fully functional web interface that allows you to program the master clock from any Internet connection.

Each master clock has many optional features that are offered a la carte so you can buy the features you need which includes a GPS and a wireless transmitter, we have the answer to virtually any application you may encounter. Master Clock controller collaborates with the Wireless, TalkBack, IP and Wired Systems. Ability to set between 4 or 8 relays where you can program bells to ring. Built-in web interface that allows you to program the master clock from any Internet connection.

Time Zone Master Clock

Published in: Master Clock System
Time Zone Master Clock - 5.0 out of 5 based on 101 votes

Master Clock System Time Zone Clock

A Time Zone Clock is a series of clocks that will display the time in your current location as well as other time zones around the world. Installing this Time Zone Clock offers a variety of benefits to many different types of facilities, including hospitals, airports, hotels, corporate offices, government buildings and many more. Time Zone Clock offers all of the unique features our clock systems encompass along with the knowledge of the correct time in your current location and in different time zones around the world.

Master Clock System Wired

Published in: Master Clock System
Master Clock System Wired - 5.0 out of 5 based on 100 votes

Master Clock System Wired

The Synchronous Wire system is the most popular system in the Master Clock System. Clocks are run using a power circuit that acts as its time base. The clocks receive an hourly correction which synchronizes both the minute and the second hand. Every 12 hours the clock receives a daily correction to keep the clock perfectly synchronized.

The integration of the clocks into this system is effortless. Providing maximum adaptability, that clocks are capable of recognizing 59 minute correction, 58 minute correction as well as National Time/Rauland correction.The system can be powered using either 24V, 115V or 230V.

IP Master Clock System

Published in: Master Clock System
IP Master Clock System - 5.0 out of 5 based on 96 votes

IP Master Clock System

IP Clock System gives you piece of mind and total control. Each clock is powered by PoE or Power over Ethernet, which provides power and data over the same Ethernet cable. Each clock has the ability to receive its time from a (S)NTP time server, there is no need for a master clock.

All IP clocks within the system can be controlled independently using built-in web interface. This software allows you to monitor every feature of the IP clock system from anywhere with a network connection. No need to worry about your current system, PoE can integrate easily with existing networks..

Wireless Master Clock System

Published in: Master Clock System
Wireless Master Clock System - 5.0 out of 5 based on 88 votes

Wireless Master Clock System

TalkBack Technology is revolutionizing the way clock systems operate. Along with providing accurate and precise time, the TalkBack System allows the secondary clocks to report back its current battery levels, signal strength, mechanical (analog) or display (digital) alerts, the last time a clock received a signal and much more to the master clock. Most wireless clock systems can only receive the time, but with our TalkBack Technology, the TalkBack System allows facility managers to be completely proactive when it comes to monitoring and maintaining the clock system. No longer are the days of hearing of broken or dead clocks from other personnel within the building

WiFi Master Clock System

Published in: Master Clock System
WiFi Master Clock System - 5.0 out of 5 based on 94 votes

WiFi Master Clock System

Wireless Clocks System operate on the patented 915-928 MHz frequency-hopping technology (2.4 GHz frequency range available). This technology allows multiple secondary clocks to operate on the same frequency range without interfering with any additional wireless products you may have.

Wireless System begins with the master clock, which can receive time from any SNTP/NTP server or GPS satellite. The master clock then sends out a signal to the secondary analog and/or digital clocks. Once the secondary clocks receive the signal, they have the ability to retransmit that signal to surrounding clocks, ensuring that all timekeeping devices display the accurate time.

Hand Held Narcotics Detectors

Published in: Detection Systems
Hand Held Narcotics Detectors - 5.0 out of 5 based on 8 votes

Designed to assist security personnel to detect and identify Narcotics substances and devices allowing them to be isolated and safely removed or dealt with on site. These detectors are frequently used in airports, border post as well highly security areas.

Flexible and easy to operate portable hand held Narcotics detector, capable of both vapors and particulate sampling, which does not use a radioactive source or any consumables. Vapors’ are sampled directly by vacuum into the sampling nozzle.

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