Disabled Toilet Alarm Wireless

(18 votes, average 5.00 out of 5)
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Disabled Toilet Alarm Wireless - 5.0 out of 5 based on 19 votes

Wireless Disabled Toilet Alarm

Stand-Alone Wireless Disabled Toilet Alarm

Wireless Disabled Toilet Alarm (Waterproof) has been used for wireless call system designed for easy installation and trouble-free operation as plug and play system. This Wireless Disabled Persons Toilet Alarm Systems is available as a single zone kit which can be comprise of wireless pull cord, wireless reset buttons and wireless over-door light with sounder.


Central Wireless Disabled Toilet Alarm

Central wireless call system designed for easy installation and trouble-free operation. All items are provided like, wireless call, reset, strobe with the touchscreen master station lists calls by priority in a color coded display. A LED indicator light can be connected to visually notify the call has been activated. Wireless design allows total flexibility to relocate or add extra equipment as required. As no wire, no conduit is needed.

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Read 37448 times Last modified on Tuesday, 01 September 2020 23:15

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