Table Occupancy Detection System

Table Occupancy Detection System - 5.0 out of 5 based on 5 votes

Table Occupancy Detection System

Our Table Occupancy Detection System detect and monitor the presence of people, in real time. The small, battery-powered sensors simply stick to the underside of a table, enabling you to detect real-time presence and continually monitor table occupancy. All Wireless sensors battery life typically 5+ years or more can be configured between 10 minutes and 5 hours to extend battery life.

Desk occupancy Detection System

Desk occupancy Detection System - 5.0 out of 5 based on 5 votes

Desk occupancy Detection System

Our Desk Occupancy Detection System accurately detect and monitor passive infrared radiation (PIR) emitted by a person sitting at a desk. When a person enters the sensor’s field of view, the sensor detects motion and tells you someone is present within that space, without detecting people in the surrounding areas. We recommend installing this sensor under the table instead the floor hence this will not damage by any external force. All Wireless sensors battery life typically 5+ years or more can be configured between 10 minutes and 5 hours to extend battery life.  All sensors send securely to a local network or the cloud — via Ethernet, LTE.

Voice Toilet Alarm System

Voice Toilet Alarm System - 5.0 out of 5 based on 16 votes

Voice Toilet Alarm System

Our IP Disabled Toilet Alarm System with Voice, fully equipped with Voice over IP solutions which offer full duplex voice communication to the central monitoring for any assistance required by the users. Speech can be activated by pressing hands-free IP devices or can be automatically activated if any call buttons pressed.

To operate the user pulls the cord of a ceiling pull cord or to press call buttons to activate a light and sounder outside the wc and alarm information sent through network to its monitoring server. Voice Hands free can be activated by pressing call buttons or automatically if programmed in the system. Once  Operator monitor and acknowledge this alarm to take initiative according to customer requirement.

IP Voice Toilet Alarm

IP Voice Toilet Alarm - 5.0 out of 5 based on 18 votes

VOIP Disabled Toilet Alarm

Our IP Disabled Toilet Alarm System with Voice fully equipped with Voice over IP solutions which offer full duplex voice communication to the central monitoring for any assistance required by the users. Speech can be activated by pressing hands-free IP devices or can be automatically activated if any call buttons pressed.

To operate the user pulls the cord of a ceiling pull cord or to press call buttons to activate a light and sounder outside the wc and alarm information sent through network to its monitoring server. Voice Hands free can be activated by pressing call buttons or automatically if programmed in the system. Once  Operator monitor and acknowledge this alarm to take initiative according to customer requirement.

VOIP Disabled Toilet Alarm

Published in: IP Disabled Toilet Alarm
VOIP Disabled Toilet Alarm - 5.0 out of 5 based on 41 votes

VOIP Disabled Toilet Alarm

Our IP Disabled Toilet Alarm System over Network Voice fully equipped with Voice over IP solutions which offer full duplex voice communication to the central monitoring for any assistance required by the users. Speech can be activated by pressing hands-free IP devices or can be automatically activated if any call buttons pressed.

To operate the user pulls the cord of a ceiling pull cord or to press call buttons to activate a light and sounder outside the wc and alarm information sent through network to its monitoring server. Voice Hands free can be activated by pressing call buttons or automatically if programmed in the system. Once  Operator monitor and acknowledge this alarm to take initiative according to customer requirement.

School Bus & Student Tracking

Published in: School Bus Monitoring
School Bus & Student Tracking - 5.0 out of 5 based on 59 votes

School Bus & Student Tracking

A complete solution for schools to streamline student and school bus tracking, prioritize student safety, accountability and communication by combining real-time tracking, RFID Tags to identify and account for student ridership, and the App to share live ETA’s and alerts with parents. The school bus tracking system allows the Transport, School and parents to gain visibility, safety and control into the location of the school buses along with arrival and departure times at every stop along the route, including how long the bus spent at any stop, pick up and drop off of students and  alerting if buses are running late


Student Tracking and Locating System using RFID cards/Tags and gateways, Tags are assigned to personnel, key fobs or ID badge beacons are usually suggested for such tracking applications. Multiple gateway receivers are installed at customer sites and different gateway reading points provide accurate location points within the facility. Gateways will collect beacon signals automatically when a person with a beacon is seen within a 3-10 meters range of the gateway. Gateways connect to the internet through wired or Wi-Fi network. With continuous updates from beacons and gateways location points, cloud applications will be able to provide location updates of personnel in real-time. Tracking systems software lets you track, locate, monitor, and provide enhanced alerts with security updates through SMS or emails to relevant authorities.

How School Bus Track Works

Published in: School Bus Monitoring
How School Bus Track Works - 5.0 out of 5 based on 13 votes

How School Bus Track Works

School bus tracking and students monitoring system is an integrated system for Bus tracking including Student movement location in Real-Time. This system is highly recommended for school buses to be tracked, monitored, driver behavior monitoring which Monitored on Google maps in real time as main purpose of reduce or eliminate human errors.

Student Monitoring in Bus

Student Monitoring in Bus - 5.0 out of 5 based on 49 votes

Student Monitoring In Bus

A complete solution for schools to streamline student and school bus tracking, prioritize student safety, accountability and communication by combining real-time tracking, RFID Tags to identify and account for student ridership, and the App to share live ETA’s and alerts with parents. The school bus tracking system allows the Transport, School and parents to gain visibility, safety and control into the location of the school buses along with arrival and departure times at every stop along the route, including how long the bus spent at any stop, pick up and drop off of students and  alerting if buses are running late


Student Tracking and Locating System using RFID cards/Tags and gateways, Tags are assigned to personnel, key fobs or ID badge beacons are usually suggested for such tracking applications. Multiple gateway receivers are installed at customer sites and different gateway reading points provide accurate location points within the facility. Gateways will collect beacon signals automatically when a person with a beacon is seen within a 3-10 meters range of the gateway. Gateways connect to the internet through wired or Wi-Fi network. With continuous updates from beacons and gateways location points, cloud applications will be able to provide location updates of personnel in real-time. Tracking systems software lets you track, locate, monitor, and provide enhanced alerts with security updates through SMS or emails to relevant authorities.

Stand Alone Disabled Toilet Alarm System

Published in: Toilet Alarm Monitoring
Stand Alone Disabled Toilet Alarm System - 5.0 out of 5 based on 69 votes

Stand Alone Disabled Toilet Alarm System

Conventional Stand Alone Accessible Toilet Alarm Kit to BS8300

stand alone disabled toilet alarm system sets or Kit includes everything required for ADA/BS8300 clause compliant emergency assistance alarm. Attractively designed and easy to install as system allows a distressed person to raise an alarm in the event of an emergency.

Healthcare RFID Monitoring

Healthcare RFID Monitoring - 5.0 out of 5 based on 69 votes

Healthcare RFID Monitoring

We offer number one choice for active and passive RFID systems in healthcare Industries. RFID healthcare technology offers insight into hospital operations, providing real-time actionable data, historical analytics, and automated alerts to optimize workflows and improve processes. RFID in its most basic form is a location tracking technology for anyone and anything. Our RFID technology connects billions of healthcare items and our solutions allow hospital staff to use this technology to identify, locate, authenticate and engage with each item to deliver the best possible patient care while reducing costs.

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Products Info

  • Central Disabled Alarm
    Written by
    Central Disabled Toilet Alarm is designed on latest technilogy to meet Multiple Alarm Monitoring with height standard and various other care standards. It can be single system for single toilets or site-wide systems with multiple monitoring stations, central control stations, BMS interfaces etc. Individual alarms can be grouped and monitored locally and/or from a central monitoring stations. All systems are…