It is much easier and quicker to install in existing telephone network, and therefore less labor intensive and more economic. It has applications in all kinds of public and commercial buildings, including hospitals, elderly homes, schools, universities, factories, offices, restaurants, hotels, shops, etc. The alarm is distinctive in appearance and sound, so it cannot be confused with fire alarms, and is specifically for the disabled person to gain help in an emergency.Features
06/21 2015
Disabled Alarm with Phone - 5.0 out of 5 based on 30 votes
Some disabled toilet requires direct communication or voice call to central security for help. We offer DTA system which can be interfaced with phone or PABX. If the call button is pressed or an alarm is activated the unit automatically dials a pre-configured number and behaves as a hands-free telephone, enabling the user to explain their requirements to the operator.
This unit automatically calls a preprogrammed number in the event of an alarm activation. The user can explain the problem to a member of staff, who can organise an appropriate response. System can useexisting telephone network.
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